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Unit 1 Homework Part 2

Unit 1 Homework

Q Unit 1 Homework • Points 15 • Submitting a file upload Upload a copy of your completed Homework Assignment as a .pdf document using the Submit Assignment button at the top of the page. 1. What quantity (length, mass, volume, time) is expressed by the following units? A. centimeter B. gram C. milliliter D. second 3. Which of the following measurements corresponds to metric Ruler A shown in Figure PSS.2? A. 2.0 cm B. 2.00 cm C. 2.05 cm D. 2.5 cm 7. Which of the following measurements corresponds to the graduated cylinder shown in Figure PSS.4 having an uncertainty of ±0.5mL? 9. State the number of significant digits in each of the following: A. 0.05 cm B. 0.50 cm C. 25.0 cm D. 20.50 cm 13. State the number of significant digits in each of the following: A. 0.5 mL B. 0.50 mL C. 5.00 mL D. 500 mL 15. Round off the following to three significant digits: A. 20.155 B. 0.204 500 C. 2055 D. 0.2065 17. Round off the following to three significant digits: A. 1.454×101 B. 1.455 x 102 C. 1.508 x 10-3 D. 1.503 x 10-4 21. Subtract the following measurements and round off the answer: a) 242.197 g - 175 g b) 27.55 g -14.545g 23. Multiply the following measurements and round off the answer: A. 3.65cm ×2.10cm B. 8.75cm x 1.15cm C. 16.5cm x 1.7cm D. 21.1cm x 20cm 25. Divide the following measurements and round off the answer: A. 26.0cm2/10.1cm B. 9.95cm3/0.15cm2 C. 131.78cm3/19.25cm D. 131.78cm3/19.2cm 33. Express each of the following powers of 10 as an ordinary number: A. 1×103 B. 1 x 10 -7 37. Express the following ordinary numbers in scientific notation: A. 80,916,000 B. 0.000 000 015 C. 335,600,000,000,000 D. 0.000 000 000 000 927 45. The velocity of light is 186,282.397 miles per second. Round off this value to three significant digits. 47. Find the total mass of two brass cylinders, which weigh 126.457 g and 131.6 g. 53. A metric ton is defined as 1000 kg, or 2.200 x 103 lb. An English ton is defined as 2000 lb, or 2.000 ×103lb. What is the difference in mass between a metric ton and an English ton expressed in pounds?

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1 (a) meter; (b) gram; (c) liter; and (d) second 3. (a) Tm; (b) Gg; (c) nL; (d) ps 13 1x1012 m and 1Tm 1Tm 1x1012 m 1x109 g/ 1Gg and 1Gg/1x109g 1L/ 1x103 mL and 1 x 10 3 mL/1L 1s/ 1x10 6 ?s and 1 x 10 6 ?s/1s 15 a) 5.00 x 10-3 km; b) 5.00 x 102 cg; c) 50.0 dL; d) 5.00 x 109 ns 21 V= (a) 9.8 in.; (b) 0.055 lb; (c) 2,370 mL; (d) 2.50 s 23 (a) 1.8 m; (b) 79.5 kg; (c) 0.473 L; (d) 0.273 ds